2019 Artists & Vendors

2019 Artists & Vendors2019-07-11T15:06:11-04:00
Business Name Website
2 Chicks with Scents www.2chickswithscents.com
Above Topsail www.abovetopsail.com
Alpine Craft Works www.alpinecraftworks.com
Andiland Studio www.Andilandstudio@gmail.com
Annette Buckner Hall www.annettebucknerhall.com
Antique None
ART-SEA-LOVE www.topsailphoto.com
B Murrell Jewerly facebook bmurrelljewerly & babsmurrell
Barbara Bennett Designs www.bbennettjewelry.com
Beach Buddy Bootleggers Facebook: Beach Buddy Bootleggers
Bendi’s Jewelry www.bendisjewelry.com
brevansart.com www.brevansart.com
Camilla’s Unique Treasures Facebook CamillasUniqueTreasures
Cape Fear Parrott Santuray www.capefearparrotsanctuary.org
Carol Ross Overstreet www.carolannross.com
Carolina Outdoor Mat Co www.matmakernc.com
Carolina Shores Natural Soap www.carolinashoresnaturalsoap.com
CJ’s Sea Shop www.cjsseashop.com
Clay Goddess Studio None
Coastal Hillbilly Leather Goods www.coastalhillbilly.com
Cork Wreaths by Necee etsy.com/shop/corkwreathsbynecee
Custom Crafted Silhouettes www.CCSLakes.com
D & L Weathervanes www.DLWeathervanes.com
D Lancaster Art DLancasterArt on Facebook, Instagram, and Etsy
D. E. Birdhouses None
Designs By Sue None
Dichroic Diva facebook.com/dichroicdiva
DJA Images www.djaimages.com
dreaming-n-color studio www.facebook. Com/dreamingncolorstudio/
Ex “Clay” mations! Pottery None
Floral Prism facebook-Floral Prism
Gail’s Hodgepodge www.gailshodgepodge.net
GG’s Knits facebook:GG’sKnits
Handcrafted by Wesley None
INO Clay! None
Island Girl Designs None
Island Oyster Art https://facebook/instagram
Jason Morris Creations jasonmorriscreations.wixsite.com
Jems of the Sea facebook: jems of the sea
Jennifer Stas Pottery www.cedarcreekgallery.com
Jiri Kalina Home and Kitchen www.jirkawood.com
JK Jewelry www.facebook.com/www.jkjewelry
Jodylou Creations www.jodyloucreations.webs.com
Judy Brock Fine Art www.JudyBrockFineArt.com
Judy’s Crafty Creations facebook-Judy’sCraftyCreations of Whiteville, NC
Karen Edgar www.karenedgarportraitart.com
Karma Studios/The Glass Garden WWW.facebook.com/TheGlassGarden
Keleri Art Studio www.keleriartstudio.com
Krafts Galore None
LaLoba, Art from Nature www.facebook.com/LaLobaArtFromNature
Laura’s Beaded Creations None
Lauren Rogers Ceramics www.laurenrogersceramics.us
LC Quilled Pendant Design www.lcquilledpendants.com
Leslie Marsh Art and Photography www.Leslie-Marsh.com
Linda Flynn Art www.LindaFlynnArt.com
Lucky Lola Art www.LuckyLolaArt.com
M.R.Dots MRDOTS/facebook
Marlene M. McDonald, Inc www.marlenemcdonald.com
Mel’s Pottery www.melspottery.wordpress.com
Melvin’s Studio www.melvinsstudio.com
Metal Creations www.scmetalcreation.com
MGF Mudpies www.mgfmudpies.com
Miscellanee www.miscellanee.com
Miss T’s www.misstsews4dolls.shop
Mudworks Pottery of Fayetteville www.mudworkspotteryofFayettevilleNC@facebook.com
Mushpa and Mensa www.mushpamensa.com
NC Hotspot Photography www.nchotspotphotography.com
Papa Doc’s Art www.papadocsart.com
Porchtime Products www.porchtimeproducts.com
Quail Hollow Collections LLC Etsy: qhcollection and FB: Quail Hollow Collections
Ralph Howard None
Rays of Hope Crafts None
Robin Jackson Designs None
Ronald Williams Art www.ronaldwilliamsart.com
Sara Webster www.sarawebster.com
Sea-oriental designs sea-oriental@facebook
Sinbad Crafts & Plants & Fly-Trap Farm www.sinbadcrafts.com
Snell Design www.facebook.com/snelldesign
Soul and Sea Studio www.facebook.com/soulandsea
Spike-Knife www.spike-knife.com
Stained Glass by Dierbre Honaker None
Steve Karloski Sculpture www.stevekarloski.com
Sunny Soap None
Surf City Wood Crafts None
SurfBird Studio www.surfbirdstudio.com
The Bryand Gallery www.wilmington360.net
The Family Arts www.thefamilyarts.com
The Pearl Girl None
The Pepper Mill Shop www.thepeppermillshop.com
The Victorian Magpie www.victorianmagpie.com
Topsail Island Treasures www.yourislandtreasure.com
Tropical Paradise Woodworking None
Tropical Rain Barrells None
V’s Inc Art www.usincart.com
Vietnam Veterans of America www.vvachapter885.org
Waller Handmade www.wallerhandmade.com
Wildchild Art Studio www.thewildchildartstudio.com
Wood Designs None
Woodcraft by Scott www.woodcraftbyscott.com
Write On! www.writeonactivityboxes.com
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